Our communities

Aí Cofán
The community is located in the province of Sucumbíos. The Cofán A’l Dureno community is an indigenous community of Cofán people counting approximately 160 families and 750 people.
The community owns and protects over 9,500 hectares of native Amazon forest in the Sucumbíos province. Their livelihoods depend on fishing, raising cattle, and crafting.

Río Muchacho
Río Muchacho is a farm that aims to demonstrate sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices that promote soil conservation, responsible water use, and biodiversity.
Organic farming techniques, such as crop rotation, composting, and agroforestry, are implemented on the farm to minimize environmental impact and promote ecosystem health.
In addition, Río Muchacho is a farm that provides environmental education and workshops to local farmers, students, and visitors. It seeks to raise awareness about the importance of sustainability and provide tools for implementing responsible agricultural practices.

Santa Lucía, Pichincha
It is a cooperative of 12 members that owns 739 ha of forest, part of the hot spot of the Chocó Andino Biosphere Reserve located two hours from the capital of Ecuador, Quito.
It is part of the Sustainable Use Conservation Area of the Municipality of Quito called Yunguilla-Santa Lucía (ACUS Yunguilla-Santa Lucía).
In the Chocó Andino region of Ecuador, many communities and private owners have dedicated their lands to conservation. They have made tourism an opportunity to obtain an alternative source of income to continue these efforts.

The community of shiripuno was founded in 1980 as a legal entity. The community has 34 hectares located in the Sumaco Galeras Biosphere Reserve, Colonos Chalupas National Park.
They are located in Quijos Municipality, Misahuallí Parish.
Shiripuno has 55 families of indigenous peoples living there and their principal economic activity is the tourism leaded by 31 women who decided to run this business in order to preserve their culture, traditions, identity and simultaneously generate incomes from their families.